السبت، ١٤ فبراير ٢٠٠٩


تخصص ال IT تخصص واسع في مجاال تقنيه المعلومات ...
1- ما هيا وجهة نظرك من تخصص IT
2-هل التخصص قادر على تحقيق طموحاتك في المستقبل؟

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Our Business Exchange forum category is home to our marketplace, job offers and classifieds.
Our Looking to Hire sub-category encompasses our Job Offers forums where companies can announce that they have a paid full-time, part-time, or contractual position available. If you are looking to bring on a business partner or are offering a stake in your company in lieu of payment, please post in our Project Partners Wanted forum instead. You may wish to check our Post your Resume forum to see if someone there suits your needs before starting a new thread. It is acceptable for interested parties to reply to Job Offers threads with their credentials. However, it is preferable for companies to post contact information and/or where to submit a resume. Threads within these forums are sorted based on thread start time and cannot be bumped.